Friday 5 October 2012

300 words analysis of Editing Techniques & Narrative Meaning in V for Vendetta

In these two stills we see both Eve and V getting ready this technique is called Cross cutting or Parallel editing, as it is showing the two getting ready simultaneously or at the same moment. This could show that these two characters are destined to meet each other, or they are some how connected in a way, this plays off something called the 'Enigma Code' which means something will happen that causes the audience to ask question which will later be answered, in this case it is ho are these two characters connected and shortly after this clip V saves Eve from being raped by to men. Many of the shots in the starting sequence are edited to make them seem like there happening at the same time. The main Reason for Parallel editing is to make the whole film flow better and makes it look nicer as if there was just a load of different shots just put together and it was jumping around you wouldn't quite understand, with continuity its not just because its happening at the same time the fact that it also includes match on action which forms a closer bond between the characters involved.

Juxtaposition is two opposing things put next together in a clip to create some sort of meaning.

If you were to show V (top still) knocking over some dominos then him standing up and walking off the shot would seem rather pointless, but by putting the two clips of V knocking over the dominoes and then see a clip were a voice over says start of riots, you can make a connection between the two by saying the dominoes represent all of the little things V has gone out and done and to get things ready for upcoming events, by know him knocking over the dominoes it shows all of his plans falling into place. One of the things being shown here is the riots showing after the death of a girl, that was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. V may of counted on the government getting on edge and doing something stupid eventually which would help spark his idea pushing it onwards, in the end leading to there own demise.

V for Vendetta Themes Collage