Saturday 22 September 2012

Alice in Wonderland Set Re-Make

For my set re-make of Alice in Wonderland in the theme of alien, I focused more on the mechanical side of it, turning the rabbit hole into a mechanical liar. I still included the iconic Alien though too making it into a table holding the two trays with a 'drink me' potion and a 'key', the potion was in a bowl and I changed the design of the key too look like a tooth, this would only work in one doer, like the original. The table itself is on a platform with 'levitated paths' leading to the different doors.
This is the overall set.
Instead of just having the walls plated, I added pipes and cogs to emphasise the mechanical detail. I also shaded the area around them to try and add depth to look like it was actually in the wall and not on top.
This is my re-design of the table in the iconic 'Alien' design.

1 comment:

  1. C
    Very creative -
    To improve - consider what you have learned about setting, costume and set design and how this changes the genre/themes of the film
