Thursday 22 November 2012


Essay Plan

I am writing about the films Twilight and Stakeland, the main focus of my essay is the development of the horror genre and I will be comparing what people would class as a conventional horror film to a unconventional version of it, and then go into depth on how they’ve have gone from one extreme to another of being shown very Masculated to very Imasculated. I will continue to write about how some scenes show this in the two films.

Twilight-  Vampires Humanized, people not scared- First appearence of Vampires (the Cullens)- Editing Slow motion look at there faces which removes and mystery from them as you see them.

Stakeland- Terrafying vampures very masculated- Martin’s family all killed by vampires- Cinematoghraphy, way it is shot only shows faces to show fear.

Twilight- Vampires now show feelings and emotion- Saves Bella from being hit by a car- The use of Editing in this clip backs up my point as focuses on his face showing emotion.

Stakeland- Backing preivous statement but also shown humanized- Mister saves a Nun- The editing is also used in this clip to show emotion as its focuses on Mister’s face breifly when he’[s in the car and see’s the Nun.

In Stakeland and Twilight the way that the Vampire is shown in the horror genre has changed completley, spiriling of in many different directions from being shown very masculine and femine. During the film however you do see some of the traditional representations of a Vampire.

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