Wednesday 23 January 2013

Location Report

These are photos of the locations I would use for my film. I have chosen them as I believe they would be appropriate for my story as it is quite open and un-populated, also I can relate it to my Thesis Statement in my Textual Analysis that conventions have to change. The location is quite a big thing in mine as in Stakeland they say at one point that the Vampires stay away from cold places and the fact that in my sequel at this part they have just been attacked in daylight breaks the conventions in two ways, one being its snowy making it cold and two being daylight.

The image on the right is where they find the scientist and the image on the left is the opening to the field.

The image on the left is of the opening and the image on the right is of an area of the woods in which you would see the group running.

This is a shot I could put in at the end of the scene of a abandoned town they try to head to for safety.  

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