Friday 1 February 2013

Feedback for My Screen Play

How it communicates MACRO?
 The way my script communicates the MACRO is more through the use of actions. This is because a Vampire comes out into the light and isn't damaged by it, the dialogue does lead up to it with them talking about how they are safe in the light.

How it shows relationship of Characters?
 At one point in my script they see a women injured by a tree and they work together to get her out, by carrying her and into the light. This shows that they are able to work well together and they can communicate well.

How real is it?
 The dialogue I used was real and didn't sound out of place, one thing i need to improve on is the relationship between the mother and son.

Does it move the story on?
 The script does move the story on as it gets you asking questions and the characters startled and wanting to know what just happened.

 One thing I need to improve on is showing the relationship between the mother and the son as when i got feedback people said it wasn't clear enough. I will do this by making her sound more caring and nurturing towards him.

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