Thursday, 2 May 2013


To What Extent Does Film Piracy Pose A Threat to the Film Industry:

 I believe this statement to be true but only to a certain extent, I believe that it will affect the major hollywood companies a lot more than smaller Independent as they have a smaller budget so they don't have to make as much back, sometimes they release there film straight to DVD too so they can make there money back faster and easier as people can buy them to watch at home.

 With the constant development in Technology the threat of piracy in the film industry is ever growing, places like Mega Upload (now closed down) allowed people to stream and and download for free when they want where they want. This means that people don't got to the cinema as much as they can watch films before there official release online. This factor would heavily affect the film Industry as it means that they are not getting as much money which forces them to make films in 3D to get a larger income as it is harder to pirate, but not all of the audience likes 3D film.

 As it is very easy to watch films now people become desensitised to things like gore and horror but have a growing desire for better more interesting story lines, but due to piracy the big budget hollywood films are focusing more on visuals than story so people aren't watching them as often or watching them illegally. People begin to find that these smaller budget Independent films have a lot more of a story line and are more engaging so they watch these more which is boosting profits for these smaller companies and directors as people will recommend them to there friends.

 With piracy growing the Hollywood directors are less focused on there films as they are in need to make profits so they re vamp old film franchises, or continue existing ones as they already have a garnered audience. They also do films classed as 'Geri-Action' which means they bring back actors who typically or are well know for playing action characters as people will come to watch them. This means that they will get a larger income as everyone body already recognises and knows the franchise on films and we will watch them even though they are probably going to be twice as bad as they previous one.

 The Film industry has been in a similar situation before when TV'S and VCR were released. I believe that for the film industry to survive they must adapt to the audience and what they want. Instead of focusing on the visuals go back to the story line that people got attached to and went back to watch or recommended it to friends. With the modern day audience more up to date with technology the major Hollywood companies could take a leaf out of the books of Independent Films and release the films on all platforms at the same time and let the audience choose when to watch which has proved very popular for some films.


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